Sitemap - 2021 - EarthWatch

What if COP26 is a failure?

Extreme weather warning us of much more catastrophic climate damage to come--UN study

Is the Gulf stream nearing collapse? New climate study suggests it's possible.

Climate change could lead to 83 million "excess deaths" by 2100.

COP26 Countdown: EU leaps in with Ambitious European Green Deal Rules

How long can humans survive in a climate of deadly heatwaves?

Will 'extreme weather attribution' become the next cultural wars bogeyman?

Poor people and minorities are most vulnerable to extreme heatwaves. That's not an accident.

It's the grid, stupid.

Northwest Heatwave is 'historic,' 'unprecedented,' but not unexpected

A promising step toward wider commercialization of carbon capture and storage

Pace of Antarctic glacier collapsing into sea accelerates

Net zero by 2050 is possible. But, is it plausible?

The climate change culture war is about to get even nastier.

In a post-fact world, are there really any pursuable climate skeptics?

Why California is a Terrible Model for Progressivism

Get ready for another long brutal summer of extreme weather

Assessing the financial costs of climate failure

We can reach net zero by 2050 but only if we ditch fossil fuels by COB today

Eco-purists and eco-pragmatists are at war over the best path to a CES. Biden's climate agenda may be the big loser.

Animal production produces deadlier air pollution than coal-fired power plants

EarthWatch’s Greatest Hits Vol. 1

A Eulogy for Indian Point

Environmental injustice kills white people, too

Breathing While Black (or Latino or Asian-American): A study in Environmental Injustice

Joe Biden is not coming to take your Whopper.

Climate change will devastate the world economy by 2050 if we don't get serious now, people.

Coal Miners for Clean Energy

Happy Earth Day, climate pilgrims. What have you done for your planet lately?

The age of Green Hydrogen is finally here

Complex, fruity with a hint of wet ashtray: How extreme weather is spoiling our wine

Big business is driving justice and climate change. Should we be worried?

Have you heard the one about the governor who took on big coal and wound up driving a cab?

Can conservationists and dam builders really be friends?

Sleepy Joe and the Great Climate Awakening

Offshore wind farms are back. This time for real.

How AI is driving a green manufacturing revolution

Replay: Are we finally getting serious about climate change?

Will FERC finally see a pipeline it doesn't love?

The results are in. Degrowth is a terrible environmental strategy.

Will economic recovery funds really be used to Build Back Better? So far, it's not looking good.

Our pandemic response was a disaster. What does that mean for climate change?

The Civilian Climate Corps wants you.

The Atomic dreams of William Henry Gates III

The improbable greening of global banking

What is Environmental Justice?

Why SMRs are the future of clean nuclear energy.

The U.S. just raised the social cost of carbon. It needs to be much higher.

Why we have to stop worrying and learn to love nuclear energy.

Tom Vilsack wants to save Rural America. Seriously.

The 5 Whys of Texas

The Great Texas Climate Disaster, Part Duh!

We need to talk about extreme weather.

All roads to a sustainable energy future run through India.

Elon Musk: Climate hero or bitcoin super-polluter?

The Covid relief bill is not just about Covid relief. Environmental justice, health outcomes are in the mix

Early birds may get the worms...

What, exactly, is environmental justice?

"It's past time to declare a climate emergency."

The President’s Climate Dude

Are we finally getting serious about climate change?

Because you should never turn your back on Mother Earth